Our Staff
The secret to our success lies in our outstanding staff. CGI counselors are known for their warmth and ability to care, understand and relate to every child individually. As positive role models for your child, they will cultivate friendships that last forever. Their devotion to your child’s well being is reciprocated by the children’s love for them. All staff come with prior camp experience and a desire to work with kids.
Bunk sizes are kept small and well staffed, and this does not include our wonderful Junior counselors. Each elective is run by professional instructors.
Our Camp Director Leah Levin has many years of day camp and overnight experience. She has worked with day camps in Alaska, Hong Kong, Raleigh, NC and Omaha, NE. She has also directed a Camp Gan Israel overnight camp in Michigan for over five years. She is the leader of our top staff and takes great pride in our on-going, comprehensive staff training program. Her extensive experience with pre-schoolers through teenagers makes her a valuable administrator to our camp throughout the summer.
We take great pride in our commitment to recruiting, training and keeping the highest quality staff in the camping profession. Camp Gan Israel of Ballantyne is dedicated to small groups with exceptional staff supervision. This ensures the best possible care, instruction and supervision for our campers. Our counselors are highly trained, dedicated, and experienced.